Making a Spectator of Myself

Attendance for this year’s Games will set a new, but unwelcome, record.

If there’s no one in the stands to watch Olympic competition,
does that mean it didn’t happen, and they can’t declare a winner?
Fans and family not admitted to the Tokyo edition.
You will have to watch from home on your TV, long after dinner.

It’s because of the pandemic that they won’t sell any tickets,
so there’s no one to applaud this group of jocks from Earth’s four corners.
After every race or game – instead of cheers, they’ll just hear crickets.
Won’t be any Japanese behinds in seats, nor any foreigners.

But despite the lack of patrons, these brave souls are still competing.
And as Shakespeare once wrote: when it comes to self, be true to thine own.
I’ll wish everyone Bonne chance! Yet my attention will be fleeting:
I’ll sleep through the whole shebang – due to the difference in the time zones.

“Making a Spectator of Myself” — read by the author.

2 thoughts on “Making a Spectator of Myself

  1. Great works as per usual, Hiram. On a serious note though, I think they should’ve cancelled or postponed the games. The ‘rulers’ or the Olympic Committee think themselves Gods or something .. . ass holes

    James (Jim) Parker, James Bay, Victoria, BC (250) 360-7901


    1. Thanks for the kind words, Jed. It’s regrettable how much commercialism and spectacle (not generated by athletic achievement) have taken over the modern Olympics. There really should be a permanent site, or a short list of locations that span the continents, and all of that money could go into maintaining/updating existing facilities vs. this parade of excess and endless debt incurred by all these cities that compete to host.

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