Food for Thought

Trump tweeted after watching “Fox & Friends”
His concerns about FISA: should that program end?
Went after Hillary once more to mock her.
Then he was told FISA isn’t for soccer.

“Isn’t that FISA?” he asked, with eyes wide.
“Soccer dudes trading connections for bribes?”
“No, sir – FIFA’s involved with that hullabaloo.
Now — how many cheeseburgers should I bring back for you?”

“What was I thinking of?” (Trump’s thought balloon.)
“The visa lottery? That should end soon!
Or Giza in Egypt? I met with al-Sisi…
He’s got no opponents! Re-election comes easy!”

“I know – it was treason that had me concerned.
Allegations from ‘Sloppy Steve’ once he was spurned.
He’s lost his mind (though he offers support for me).
And yet he still insults my children, reportedly.”

“Hmm… still not what I was thinking had ended.
Debate on the border that needs to be mended?
Harsh judgments made of my ‘bedside manner’?
And what are the words to the ‘Star Spangled Banner’?”

“My base is behind me. They’re easy to please…
Ah, now I recall – I was thinking of cheese!
About legislation I’m worried the least —
My thoughts were consumed by my urges to FEAST!”

Once the burgers arrived, into the bag he would delve;
And then head off to work, since it was now nearly 12:00.

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