The Traits of Hell

Rodin's sculpture The Gates of Hell with Trump's face featured

I quoted Vlad Putin, and praised Viktor Orbán, and called Kim Jong Un “very nice.”
I tend to like people who like me, and praise me, and claim that I give them advice.
Our country’s political system is rotten, says Putin (and here I am quoting).
And Orbán believes I can rescue the West – only I. (Can you tell that I’m gloating?)

I don’t care for people who come to our country in ways I consider illicit.
And when I’m accused of a dictator’s mindset – I don’t even care to dismiss it.
These immigrants poison the blood of our country; a phrase that I now chant repeatedly.
As followers cheer at my message of rancor, I bask in their glory, conceitedly.

I’m making these claims to distract from the charges I’m facing in four jurisdictions.
There’s nothing I say close to truth; all I’m good for are lies, slanders, falsehoods, and fictions.
Now – what can I do to keep focus away from the charges against me? Hmm, lemme see…
I’ll make sure the headlines are all about how I’m the torchbearer for White supremacy.

My lead in the polls has me standing much taller than Ron in his heel-lifted boots.
I’m smarter than Nikki (as I call her, “Birdbrain”), and all of the rest in cahoots.
They’ll try to dislodge me from winning the primary coming up soon out in Iowa –
but none have the gumption to bravely renounce me, since spine is what it would require a.

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