Cite Unseen

Trump's Truth Social post announcing the release of his alleged report confirming election fraud

I have put out a report of umpteen pages (thirty-two),
that is fully verified and has determinative numbers
which some experts (highly qualified) compiled to prove to you
that all doubts regarding fraud this great report now unencumbers.

So, this document is focused on not all, but just some, swing states:
Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin.
If you read it very closely, you’ll determine that this thing skates
on thin ice – it quotes from sources that my fraud claim clearly spawns in.

Now, it starts: “… no evidence Joe Biden won… in actuality” –
and from there the list of false claims and conclusions (most unsourced)
all appear in bullet points and in their individuality
prove that from reality (like several wives) I am divorced.

It’s a very good report because each page has many footnotes.
There’s no author’s name attached since none will want to take the credit
for the wild and wooly claims I keep insisting will soon put votes
in a “Trump’s the Winner!” pile within some faux-election edit.

Then I took it one step further – this bizarre report was cited
in a legal filing whereupon I make claims I’m immune from
being charged with all the crimes for which I’m currently indicted.
Since no facts therein were specified, I felt free to assume some.

This report is most compelling, rigorous, uncompromising,
error-free, extensive, shrewd, magnificent, and irrefutable.
And it shows convincingly, infallibly, without disguising
that the job for which I’m hankering – I’m thoroughly unsuitable.

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