He’s So Shyster

Say goodbye to John Dowd.
His viewpoint not allowed.
He got lost in the crowd.
So it’s out he has bowed
While still claiming he’s proud.
But by Trump he’s been cowed.
As the Mueller storm cloud
Goes on thundering loud,
Through these battles Dowd plowed
To wrap Trump in a shroud.
But Trump’s said right out loud
He’ll keep his head unbowed
(And how well he’s endowed).

So it’s no surprise John
Says it’s time to move on.
His now ex-client Don
Favors brains less than brawn.
Prez was called a moron
By ex-head of Exxon.
Stormy’s dangerous liaison?
A conclusion foregone.
Funds for wall were withdrawn
Once a sine qua non.

Now Trump’s bringing on Joe-
seph diGenova, so
Well before the next blow
His mouthpiece will say, “Whoa!”
Found him on a talk show.
He’s not one to tiptoe.
Won’t go high, but go low.
Just like Joe Arpaio
This all seems apropos:
“Trump’s Variety Show.”

Will Ty Cobb be the next
By whom Trump has been vexed?
Will he be fired by text,
And on just what pretext?
Could this be more complex?
Legal eagles perplexed.
To this probe Trump objects.
Treats all like his subjects.
End of balances and checks?
What did you expect?

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